Safeguarding and Child Protection for
Designated Safeguarding Leads

(Online DSL Level 3)

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Online Training: Self-paced, 2-hours - Log in and GO!

✅ DSL two-year update (KCSIE requirement)
✅ Two-hour self-paced online training
✅ Certificate awarded (emailed automatically upon completion)
✅ Written by senior Safeguarding trainer, Louise Douglas
✅ Latest KCSIE basis for course
✅ Highly rated and recommended by UK schools!

For bulk purchases email: [email protected]

£160 +VAT
£144 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

Course Information

This online DSL Level 3 course is for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and their deputies. Created in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), this course builds on levels 1 & 2 and provides essential knowledge for Designated Safeguarding Leads and those working towards becoming one. (Re-take every 2 years: Education sector)

Who is this course for?

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), Deputy DSLs, Child Protection Officers, headteachers, heads of year, senior teams, bursars, school nurses, school governors, schools, colleges, youth organisations, sports programs including football foundations, NHS, GPs, Drs, nurses, government agencies, broadcasting and anyone else who is responsible for Safeguarding children within their organisation.

Course Outline

Session 1 of 4

Updates to latest KCSIE
Reviewing current knowledge
What is safeguarding and child protection?
Types of abuse and protection

Session 2 of 4

Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead
Bichard report and the DBS
Safer recruitment
Safeguarding adults in our environment
Reasonable force

Session 3 of 4

Useful models
Early help
Fundamentals of safeguarding children
Problems at home - when to get involved
Multi-agency working
Safeguarding partners
Protocols and strategies
Learning lessons

Session 4 of 4

Where do we go from here?
Successful implementation
Continuing professional development
Final thoughts
Useful books, links and contacts

Short multi-choice test, CPD-Certified certificate awarded

Aims and Objectives

To enable you to:

  • Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice
  • Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare, and initiate or take appropriate action to keep them safe
  • Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people
  • Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing services for children and young people
  • Understand the early help assessment process and interventions
  • Have a working knowledge of how local authorities conduct child protection processes and to be able to contribute when required
  • Be alert to specific needs of children in need
  • Understand and support the setting in relation to Prevent duty requirements and to support staff in protecting children from the risk of radicalisation

All staff should be aware of the process for making referrals to children’s social care and for statutory assessments under the Children Act 1989, especially section 17 (children in need) and section 47 (a child suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm) that may follow a referral, along with the role they might be expected to play in such assessments

(Keeping children safe in education - KCSIE © Crown Copyright)

Employers are responsible for ensuring that their staff are competent to carry out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and creating an environment where staff feel able to raise concerns and feel supported in their safeguarding role.

(Working together to safeguard children © Crown Copyright)

Access the course online, in your own time, for one year

One year access to the courses from your date of purchase

Author: Senior Safeguarding
trainer, Louise Douglas

BA (Hons), MA, Chartered FCIPD, MCIPR, Director, Graffham Consulting Ltd

5 star review
City of London School for Girls

"Up-to-date and very informative, 

DSL Level 3 (Jane R)
5 star review
Haberdashers' Aske's School

"Sessions were excellent, enjoyed it."

DSL Level 3 (Rach T)
5 star review
Westminster School

"The sessions were all excellent."

DSL Level 3 (Jon M)

*Questions & Answers
  1. Question: Can I sign up for instant access to the course?
    Answer: Yes, you can pay by card or PayPal.

  2. Question: How long will the course take to complete?
    Answer: The course duration is approximately two hours.

  3. Question: Can I take this course any time of day?
    Answer: Yes, it is an online course, it can be completed online 24/7.

  4. Question: How do I get my certificate?
    Answer: Your certificate will automatically be emailed to you at the end of the course.

  5. Question: How long is my certificate valid?
    Answer: The certificate is valid for two years (KCSIE, within the education sector).

  6. Question: Does the course refer to KCSIE and Working Together to Safeguard Children?
    Answer: Yes, it covers all required knowledge for KCSIE and Working Together to Safeguard Children

  7. Question: How long can I access the course?
    Answer: You have three months from the time of purchase to complete your course and periodically log in to review the content to refresh your memory.

  8. Question: Do I need access to the Internet to take this course?
    Answer: Yes, to take the course, your computer needs to be connected to the Internet.

  9. Question: Can I take this course on my phone or laptop computer?
    Answer: Yes, you can take this course on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, as long as it is connected to the internet.
5 star review
City of London School for Girls

"All knowledge was up to date and very informative, I have gained a better understanding of Safeguarding & Child Protection."

Safeguarding 1, 2, DSL Level 3
(Jane R)

5 star review
Haberdashers' Aske's School

"All sessions were excellent, useful and met my expectations. I learnt about recent legislation, case studies, and gained a more informed view, it built on my current knowledge. The course was value for money and I really enjoyed it."

Safeguarding DSL Level 3
(Rach T)

5 star review
Westminster School

"I learnt more about the legal framework and tools to enable me to be better placed to support in terms of Safeguarding. The sessions were all excellent."

Safeguarding DSL Level 3
(Jon M)