AI in Safeguarding: 8 Dangers to Be Aware Of and How to Mitigate Them

ai dangers safeguarding Sep 18, 2023
AI in Safeguarding Dangers

Here are some specific actions that can be taken to address the challenges we have identified:

  • Algorithmic bias: AI systems should be trained on large and diverse datasets to minimize bias. Additionally, human experts should regularly review and evaluate AI systems to identify and address any biases that may arise.
  • Privacy concerns: Organizations that use AI in safeguarding should have robust data privacy and security measures in place. They should also obtain clear consent from individuals before collecting or using their data.
  • Over-reliance on technology: AI should be seen as a tool to complement human expertise, not replace it. Safeguarding professionals should be trained to use AI systems effectively and to critically evaluate their outputs.
  • False positives and negatives: AI systems should be thoroughly tested and evaluated before being deployed in real-world settings. It is also important to have human safeguards in place to review and override AI decisions when necessary.
  • Ethical considerations: Organizations that use AI in safeguarding should develop clear ethical guidelines for its use. These guidelines should address issues such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and human oversight.
  • Accountability and transparency: AI systems should be designed in a way that allows their decisions to be explained and audited. Additionally, organizations should be transparent about how they use AI in safeguarding.
  • Economic and job concerns: As AI becomes more widely used in safeguarding, it is important to invest in training and retraining safeguarding professionals to ensure that they have the skills they need to succeed in the new environment. Additionally, governments may need to implement policies to support workers who are displaced by automation.
  • Long-term psychological effects: Organizations that use AI in safeguarding should consider the potential long-term psychological effects on children and other individuals who are subject to monitoring. They should also take steps to mitigate these effects, such as by promoting open communication and trust.

By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that AI is used in a way that enhances safeguarding efforts while also protecting the rights and well-being of individuals.

View related blog post: Balancing the Scales: The Promise and Perils of AI in Safeguarding

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